Love Dissolves All Fear

Greater than fear is Love.

Love dissolves all fear, casts out all doubt and sets the captive free.

Love, like the River of Life, flows through me and refreshes me with Its eternal blessings.

Love cannot be afraid; it is fearless and strong, and is mighty in Its works.

It can accomplish all things through the Inner Light of Faith in the All Good.

It fills my very Being with Its Powerful Presence.

Love casts out all fear. 


Majestic Calm

The Inner Mind is still. 

The Soul reflects the Most High.

The Spirit of man is God.

In the great calm of the All Good,

I rest in peace and security.

My life is now reflecting the Perfect Whole.

I am Peace.  I am Calm.

I am security and complete satisfaction.

I am One with God.

I am filled with Peace.


God is Present

From Meditations of the Heart

By Howard Thurman


God is present with me this day.


God is present with me in the midst of my anxieties.  I affirm in my own heart and mind the reality of God’s presence.  It makes immediately available to me the strength of It’s goodness, the reassurance of It’s wisdom and the heartiness of It’s courage.  My anxieties are real; they are the result of a wide variety of experiences, some of which I understand, some of which I do not understand.  One thing I know concerning  my anxieties: they are real to me.  Sometimes they seem more real than the presence of God.  When this happens, they dominate my mood and possess my thoughts.  Little by little, I am beginning to understand that deliverance from anxiety means fundamental growth in spiritual character and awareness.  It becomes a quality of being, emerging from deep within, giving to all the dimensions of experience a vast immunity against being anxious.  A ground of calm underlies experiences whatever may be the tempestuous character of events.  This calm is the manifestation in life of the active, dynamic Presence of God.


God is present with me this day.

I am Peace – All is Well

Knowing for you blessings of Love, Peace & Joy.....

LOVE -  The self-givingness of the Spirit through the desire of Life to express Itself in   terms of creation.  Love is free from condemnation, even as it is free from fear.  Love is a cosmic force whose sweep is irresistible.

PEACE -  A state of inner calm.  An inner calm so complete that nothing can disturb it.  The Infinite is always at peace because there is nothing to disturb It.  A realization of our Oneness with Omnipresence brings peace, the peace which is accompanied by a consciousness of power.

JOY -  The emotion excited by the expectancy of good, happiness, delight and exaltation.

Let there be Light!